Poor infrastructure and service delivery to the population of Vanuatu

While the Government continues to progress in implementing its National Sustainable Plan (NSDP), there are still challenges and the realities of poor infrastructure and service delivery to the population of Vanuatu, especially to the 73% of the population that live in rural areas.

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KoBLE: Preparing to celebrate 43 years of independence, is a good time to give our education system a full check-up. How have we done?

KoBLE: Preparing to celebrate 43 years of independence, is a good time to give our education system a full check-up. How have we done?

Whilst it is great to celebrate freeing ourselves from colonialism and becoming an independent sovereign nation, what have we replaced it with? Or have we even replaced it? For the Kolisen Blong Leftemap Edukesen (KoBLE) Association and its members, the question remains — how satisfied are we with the country’s performance in all levels of education, formal, informal and non-formal since independence?